COVID-19 Updates

In fall of 2021, we are holding weekly Sunday morning services at Dumas Bay Centre in Federal Way. The state-wide mask mandate is currently in effect for indoor gatherings, so please mask up before entering the building.

We realize not everyone is ready to return to in-person services. Here are some additional ways to stay connected during this season:

Audio Podcast & Videos

We will continue to regularly post new video and audio sermons to our podcast. There’s also an archive of nearly 700 episodes for you to download.

Bible Studies

Various Bible discussion groups are always cycling through different studies . Click here to learn more.

DNA groups

One of the best ways to get to know people and be known is through our DNA groups (small groups of 3 to 5). If you haven’t already found one, click here to learn more and we’ll help you get connected.

Social Media

You can click on any of the icons at the bottom of the page to access our social media. Join our facebook group and upload prayer requests and your own community updates. You can join our newsletter here. And if you haven’t already signed up to receive updates on your phone, text ND2020 to 84576 for the latest information via text.


We are grateful for everyone who contributes to New Day. In the absence of our black mailbox on the back table, you can direct your giving through our secure online e-give portal here. Or, if you prefer, you can send offerings via mail to: New Day Church, P.O. Box 25854, Federal Way, WA 98093.


We want to hear from you! Please email your prayer requests, video updates, questions and concerns to And you can sign up to receive our e-newsletter here.