An Immersive Experience for Understanding the Crisis of Forced Displacement

Tuesday, October 12th

6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Bellevue Hilton

We've all seen the stories in the news about asylum seekers from around the world coming to America. What is it like to leave your home with nothing and start over in a brand new country?

World Relief has created a unique walk through experience to give a glimpse into the world of refugees. We are pleased to be hosting a private event for New Day and friends as we seek to grow in our empathy and learn how God would have us love our new neighbors.

This event is limited to 25 guests. World Relief's requires all participants to show proof of vaccination. A minimum donation of $50 per person is requested.

To reserve your space at this unique event, click the button below.

To make your donation (or to donate to World Relief even if you cannot attend), go to the New Day giving page and select “World Relief Event” from the drop down box.